Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Busy Holidays!?!?!

" Altair x Ezio "
(If you've been following the series, Ezio is now 50 yrs old)

CT is finally over!!! Been awhile since i last wrote something here, hahaha..Well, i was practically busy with studies, school, home, study, eat, sleep. But now holidays already!!

Been meeting acouple of friends recently, catching up or just chilling. Been busy with the band too, since we've got a gig coming up soon, so practice and practice!! It's a shame that cheris is having her attachment overseas, won't be back in time for the gig, T_T..But we'll work double as hard as before!! As for the gig, I'm not sure if anyone's coming or not, hahaha..Asked some of them to go, it's like talking them into buying some damn expensive stuff sia, and some just disappear!! Talk about friends!! Hahahaha..No hard feelings anyway!!

" Lightning nee-sama!! "

Finally got time to get back to my games!! My Assassin's creed was completed by someone..again..Not surpised, but yar..still..Luckily, I stopped playing at the starting bit before my CT, hahaha..Definitely, gona finish the game, no matter what..But it's kinda sad to see a Hero coming to age and eventually pass on. I guess the creators never thought of that until Metal Gear Solid 4 was released. It's the 1st game i played that the hero is old and sick, damn sad siol..And now seeing Ezio coming to age also very hurting, T^T..While playing Assassin's creed, I'm also too excited for Final Fantasy XIII-2!! Seeing my favourite Lightning nee-sama in action again!! yaHoOoOo~~ Specifically requested for the Jap audio, Eng language ver. because I can't really stand the Eng voiceover sometimes, hahaha..Totally can't wait!!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nothing Much!?

Like the title suggested, there's nothing much going on recently, hahahaha..Just that Common test is coming in 2 weeks time, more or less preapared for it already so nothing much to worry about.

The bullying continues after a week of AFA, T^T..Ong went to get the photos from xin you, luckily, it's just photos, not a poster..if not, i don't know how to explain to my parents sia, hahaha..Luckily, it's just a, it's not so bad but still, OTL..

Went jamming on sunday evening, they were still chanting "PAWA, PAWA, PAWA!!" during the solo parts during the Don't Say Lazy..They put photo on the score stand facing me sia, wah biang, jit tao never give chance 1 la sia..never..So i had to look left or right the whole when we're jamming, talk about focus!..Haiz, besides that, jamming is pretty much the same, hahaha..-__-' Then off to douby ghuat for dinner, Mh was staving during the last hour of jamming, we went douby for more food choices and we ended up in Carl's Jr. And the bullying did not stop at the studio, T^T..Ate, sat down chatted awhile then we went our seperate ways home!!

"This is what I got.T^T"


Monday, November 14, 2011


As mentioned in the posts that i got a snare, it's a 13"x 6.5" Tama Metalworks snare

(Small but Loud!!)

Reponse well to ghost notes, sweet bright sound..Received lots of positive comments from other drummers as well!!

(Abit of wear and tear. But it sounds great!!)

Because of this, i had to give up Wai keat's offer of the AFA day 3 VIP tickets. Not Regreting, because this is just too awesome!!

(Lastly, snare in the bag!!)


Love...Pawa?!, part 2

(Stealth Shot. NOTE: Not my plate.)

They ordered food and shared with me, i just paid for my snare so i'm practically penniless..The overall experience was ok, never been to one before, so don't know what to expect also, hahaha..Some interesting things were like they write messages on the plate and food and they "power up" your food too..hahaha, and the sabo party begins..

When we are about to leave, we saw that there is photographing service with the maids, so..they push me to take a picture with them, and my phone rang, i turned to a side and answer the phone..Bad move..Real bad..they just filled up my name and her's..It's just damn embrassing la, last time don't have the chance, then now..haiz..Jit pai siao liao..Thanks ar, LiAR, -__-; Took a picture, waited for it to process then off to Ranking to get a snare bag, hahaha..Mad rush, we left MMK almost around 6.45 and Ranking closes at 7..Took a cab down and got there in time..hahaha

Just when i thought the sabo-ing ends there..i was wrong..

Went to scape for jamming on Sunday, they never once stop doing the freaking cat paw pose at all, just kept doing and doing, plus the "power up" dance too for the whole 3hours of jamming..I tried my best to turn away but stil..haiz..then Xin You called and asked me to a poster holder tube for him,so we went to get 1 for him at art friend in Taka and went to Suntec to pass him..Upon meeting him, passed him the tube, then Ong told Xin You to go to the AFA shop and get a poster, i thought it's for him, but wrong again..He told him to get a poster of her..for me..WHAT THE SHIT!!!! Then we had dinner at Suntec after that and call it a day..


From not expecting anything to unexpected circumstances..These people really ar..nothing to say..hahaha

They really pay money to my pain..Thanks ar, hahaha



(I tried to rotate the pic but..everytime it goes back to this...)

Had fun this weekend, it's AFA week!! Didn't expect to have fun there actually, since not going to the concerts already..Basically, nothing much to look forward to for this yr's AFA compared to last yr's..Until..MH and MZ went there..


Saturday was a busy day for me..Went there on around 1pm, Wee Kian was there first so i told him to help me and Cheris to get the tickets first. Met up with the 2 of them, then we move to the festival hall, took a walk, saw acouple of interesting things..then soon, Cheris and I got hungry, so we went to have lunch..MH and MZ reached the hall when we're having lunch..Here's the messed up part, I'm supposed to meet the seller of a snare drum at 3.30 at suntec, so i went amd i bought it after giving it a try...Sounds nothing? There was no bag for it..SO, i had to carry it around..Like A Boss. My plan was go AFA, lunch, get the snare, then get the bag and then go back to AFA or something..Apparently, plan foiled when MH and MZ came..When we went back there, and they were queueing at the MMK already..They went AFA with their sis-in-law and her children...

So there i am, standing outside the MMK, with my snare..And Cheris went to get a cute furry hat, hahaha, And Ong showed up, with his Kojuro outfit, hahahaha..i was like " can we don't go in?? or rather, can i don't go in??" MH and MZ was like, " go la, must experience at least once" and ong quickly join in their fraction..then i wanted to ask ong, " if u go, i go in too"..he knew what i was going to ask, i just said "Ong, if u go.." then he replied " I'm confrim going in!!" And in we went..

To be Continued..


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Nothing much going on this week. Still recovering from the screw up during the auditions. Though the band said "it's ok, don't think about it". Maybe I was hoping they would blame me so that I can bury my guilt in their anger? I guess so.

Feeling quite down recently, all hopes were lost in reaching the Waseda girl, the screw up during the auditions, due to that I saw my own limitations as a drummer too. Tried to get some new members to join us which always ended up saying no or just MIA, jammed with 1 of the SCC bands and that didn't go well either. Everything seems going in the opposite direction of where I wana go. Tried talking to a friend but ended up with him asking me to log in to.. Well, that works too. I guess no one takes you seriously when you gives others an impression of a comcial tell others you're feeling down. Or some just choose to ignore what you're sad about and expect you to feel their pain when they are feeling down. I guess it's the Bystander Effect, everyone with the thinking "Aiya, sure got someone else is willing to listen to his whinings" ? Studying ISP does has it's advantages, hahaha.

Another reason is because happenings of a character in a TV series kinda reflected some of the way I do or view things? I know this sounds crazy but yeah..spend sometime reading it. The dude in the show is a very hard-working person, anything he did not understand or know how it works, he make sure that he learn/study until he is good in/at it. He believed that if others do a 100%, he needs to do 120%..but everything he worked hard for, either end up wasted or ended up in a bad way. Friends turned their backs on him for all the wrong reasons, and he lost a leg in an accident. Similiarities? Link it yourself, though I didn't lose any of my limps :s, hahaha..Anyway, it's played by the script so try not to look so into it.

Overheard a conversation between a grandmother and her grandson on the bus on my way home from school, The grandson wanted something badly, i don't know what it is but I'm quite taken back by the reply from his grandma, "Son, the harder you try to hold onto something, in the end all you manage to hold onto, are your fists only." I guess the grandson is too young to understand that, but it just hit me as if she was saying that to me..

Grandma, if you're still alive, what will you say to me?
Send me some guidence, I'm kinda lost.
Lost, not emo. Hahaha~


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Music Week?!?!

(My 1st pair of Artise Series Sticks and Limited Edition sticks RINA's Limited Edition Sticks~~~ Stick bag sold seperately~~ RINNNNNNAAAAAAA!!!!)

This week has been filled with music too!! Since the auditions was drawing near, we took the opportuntity to jam on wednesday since it's a public holiday, the Deepavali!! Everything was running smoothly, so we're quite confident that we're up for it, hahaha..Went to school as usual on thursday and friday.

Ended school at 6 on friday, saw Jason on the bus,totally knocked out, hahaha..Went to meet XY to get my stuff, haha..Chatted awhile then off to cineleisure, he wanted to play afew rounds of PDA, hahaha..Then went back home after that.

(Hair styled by Cheris!!)

(A closer look, and Meng Hui with her batman cape!!)

Saturday was a big day!! Jammed in the morning then off to the auditions in the afternoon..Went to have lunch somewhere near the studio then we took a cab to the audition studios in the Sultan Plaza, all of us had no idea how to go, hence the cab, hahaha..Went to the toliet to style up, hahaha, and waited for ong's Henshin!!
Then we waited for quite awhile for our turn and here we go!! We were given 30secs to do a soundcheck..Then we began, and I messed up..Though, it did not affect the song badly, but the auditors heard it, damn fed up with myself..We practiced so hard, so long and I just had to fuck it up..Damn it..Then we took a bus to Marina Square, went chilled at KFC, and off back to home after that..

I guess I will spend the rest of the time being fed up with myself until the results are out..Just wana take this opportuntity to apologise to the band. I'm sorry that I screwed up..Sorry.


Muiscal Weekend!?!?!

(Never once forget your birthplace!!)

School seems quite ok since the start 2weeks ago, haha..More relaxed timetable compared to the previous one..It's just the usual stuff during school days, Sleep, Eat, Study, quite boring but hey, that's the life of a student, hahaha..As for the lecturers, the infamous ones wasn't so bad for the moment, in fact, there's another lecturer topped the list..Not gona talk much about her here la, hahaha

As for the title, yar, it has been 2 weekends filled with music!! Hahaha..Went down to cineleisure to support the bands for SCC that were performing on Friday and Saturday 2 weeks ago. They are Last Warning and Lipstick Lullaby!! Supposed to jam in school on friday but i was late, the booking was 5 to 7 but I end lessons at 6, saw Last Warning using the studio instead, so we sat outside instead since we're supposed to play an acoustic song. But to be honest, I'm getting bored with the band already, as in the school one..Of course I'm NOT saying that I'm too good for them or they suck, they're good!! But just that I don't really agree with the things they do, practice just twice before a performance?? I think that's really risky..Maybe I'm not as attached to LiAR as to them, and not as confident with LiAR as with them..Well, enough said with them, haha

Went jamming on saturday as usual, lunch after that then chatted awhile but there's still quite some time left before Lipstick Lullaby's performance so I met up with my parents, they were planning to go MBS..and i joined them, went in Like A Boss!! Hahaha..Saw a world canoing competitionat the floating platform before reaching the MBS..Then off to cineleisure to support Lipstick Lullaby!! And called it a day after their performance.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I've Done?!?!?!

(Our failed attempt to take a group picture!! hahaha)

(Jamming at *Scape!!)

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog, hahaha..Nothing much to talk about either, just all the broing stuff, basically is eat, sleep, work, play, jam. And tomorrow is the start of the 2nd semester of school..The timetable is ok but some of the lecturers are not. But I think it's still managable.

Back to Singtel was a good one, since I'm comfortable with the people I worked with, nice and friendly people, and Kai Sheng is working at the same building so, we managed to have lunch together most of the time, hahaha..Managed to talked about some stuff, like my favourite line "Just like old times." hahahaha..All in all a good experience though~

Got the game Gran Turismo 5 recently and I'm just stuck with it, playing non stop, hahahaha..I know, I know, is not really a new game but yar, i just got it, hahaha..And I'm getting Arkham City soon, and Of Course, the new Assassin's Creed..Pre-ordered that one actually, hahaha

(Had this for dinner after the jamming at *scape!!)

As for jamming, we tried out 2 new studios recently~ One is the one at *scape, and Epic Studios. The one in *scape is alot cheaper compared to the all the studios we went and the equipment is..i think passable, besides that they only have 1 crash cybmal..As for Epic Studios, the owner is very friendly, kind enough to promote us on the Epic Studios Facbook Page, the equipments are good there too!!

(The Drums at Epic Studios!!)

(Lastly, a picture taken by the owner of Epic Studios~~)

Well, that's kinda what I did for the past 3 weeks, hahaha..nothing much~
And I'm still looking for her, no news still and I can feel my hopes slipping away..


Friday, September 23, 2011


(Some prizes won!!)

Last post for last week, hahaha..Sunday!! Actually, I decided to stay at home and rest, since all the events from Thursday to Saturday was tiring but I still went to Waseda on Sunday!! hahahaha, actually, the school is kinda near my school but I didn't notice about it, hahaha

(It's quite good actually!!)

Seiran Fest, is kinda serve as an open house day for outsiders to have a look around the school, introducing the locals, the Japanese Cultures..Went there at 12 with Johnathan and Lin, and met Xin You there..he was there since 9am, he practically tried everything already and accompanied us and walked around again..There's alots of games to play and i won a Mickey Mouse cup in a lucky draw, hahahaha..Because Minnie Mouse gave me the luck, hahahaha, some of u might know what I'm talking about, hahaha..Then off to the canteen, *Thay call it Cookhouse, but you know why people like me like to call it a CANTEEN* ahahaha, for lunch..While queueing up for food, there's a number of bands performing on stage, and most of them are great!! Managed to flim one of the bands playing but i think it's better not to post anywhere online, since the school is advising not to post videos or pictures of the students to protect their privacy, and I'm honour that for now, hahaha..But each band managed to perform 1 song only as there is too many bands already, hahaha..but the thing is the locals are not responsive at all, they're just queueing for food, not even applause, but the students are very supportive though, hahahaha..After having lunch, we continued to play some games in various classrooms, and managed to get more prizes!! hahaha, and we went seperate ways around 5 and i went home after that, by that time, i was limping already, the leg cramped on saturday, begin to hurt and i had to limp, hahaha..And i was limping to work on monday as well!! hahahaha..All in all, i can say last week was a total Japanese culture week for me, hahahaha

And lastly,

Actually, I'm looking for her..Please drop me a email or msg, if you know her..And pls, I'm serious about this, I really hope see her again.


RinNNNNNNNaaaaaAAAAAA~~~~ Aftermath?!?!?!

(Looks like I'm holding onto the crash, but I'm NOT!!!)

After 2 days of Scandal = Yoko Yoko on every limbs, salonpas,deep heat rub, voice gone, hahaha..But, it's time for jamming!! And we went jamming on saturday afternoon!! hahaha..Last year, also not so garang sia, didn't go jamming before or after the AFA concert, hahahaha~ But hey, managed to jam a new song that session, power eh?? hahaha.. Ong was like a zombie standing there playing bass, and i pedal the bass drum untill leg cramp sia!! hahahaha, but the mood was damn high, hahaha..I guess Ong and i was greatly affected by the mood during the concert, hahaha..Went Burger King to chill after jamming and Ong was telling the rest how i was screaming for Rina like a little girl, -__-' hahahahaha..Then we talked about some other band stuff too, and i was supposed to meet Johnathan to get the EM3A math book from him and have dinner together at 7pm but we ended up leaving the place at 7, hahaha..But still, i went to meet him, for dinner and for the book..Then i asked him and Lin if they're interested in going to the Waseda Shibuya Senior High School Seiran Fest. Which we went on Sunday!!



(Lovely Haruna!!)

Continued from previous post~~

Friday, an emotional roller coaster ride day, hahaha..It was my first day at work.Same place, same people, same old shit again, hahaha..Reported to work at 9, but in mind, faster pang kang, i got a concert to catch, hahaha..then my phone rang, "Bro, results out already, go check it out.."..Wake up thinking "YES AH, SCANDAL CONCERT!!!!" then first thing in the morning, or rather, first sms in the morning is about my results being released..Hoping it will not affect my mood to the concert later that day, i went to check..Turns out to be rather ok, hahaha..but still not satisified with it..=(
Work, work and work till 5.30pm..LAI LIAO LAI LIAO, time to run to the concert!!! hahahaha, rushed down to the concert hall, and waited awhile for the securities to open the doors for entrance..Again with Ong and the Scandal Heaven guys, hahaha, they went to queue quite early, some were as early as 10.30am, and the concert starts at 8pm. Damn Garang, I hereby salute thee!! *SALUTE* Once the hour hand of a clock hits 8, the securities opened the door and everyone rushed in!! Ong and I managed to secure a seat on the right of the stage where Mami stands!! hahaha, we're sitting on the 3rd row so it's uber close to us, i mean UBER CLOSE, hahaha..Once the lights dimmed, Scandal started playing their first song, I also started screaming, shouting, jumping already, hahahahah..Just like what happened in AFA last year, hahahaha..And i was screaming RINNNNNNAAAAAAA all the time, and HARU!! HARU!!! HARU!! acouple of times, hahaha, i guess drummers attract drummers?? hahaha, I know the band is wearing IEMs which they can't heard a thing besides their own instruments, but what's the point of going concerts with you're not shouting, screaming, jumping?? hahahaha, but still we managed to catch Maimi's attention, she smiled at Ong and I twice, and Rina also smiled at us twice~~ YES AHHHHHH!!!! hahahaha..Tired, losing voice, arms weak but, STILL JUST SHOUT ONLY!!!!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!! hahahaha..The concert lasted for nearly 2hrs, it was totally worth it, because..I'm a fan?? hahahaha No pictures taken because, as usual, no photo taking is allowed and the security is tight that day..hahaha






Last week was a BLAST!!! Thursday, SCANDAL autograph session. Friday, SCANDAL concert!!! Saturday, jamming. Sunday, Waseda Shibuya Senior High School's SEIRAN Festival!!. And my results was out on Friday too, totally slipped off my mind about that, hahaha..Only Scandal was on my mind at time, hahaha..

Spent the Thursday morning/afternoon as usual, and went out to HMV in the evening for the SCANDAL autograph session!! The session starts at 7 but I went there ard 5plus towards 6 to meet Ong and the Scandal Heaven forum's people..It's the 1st time i met them so Ong went around intro-ing me to the people, Ong was telling me that they're jamming Scandal songs for leisure and they're looking for a drummer, so i guess that's another band i'm joining?? hahaha, Hope they will really call me to go jamming..hahahaha, had dinner at the foodcourt at 313 then we headed down to HMV and went to queue, hahaha..embrassingly, we were the group that made the most noise in HMV, hahahaa, well, i guess everyone is damn exictied to meet scandal!! hahaha..They arrived around 7pm and everyone was screaming for them, we too, screamed for them but we also shouted to the manager, i dont know how to spell his name, hahaha!! At first, he was quite happy, when we get closer, he began to feel embrassed, hahaha, they greeted the fans, answered afew questions and the autograph session begins~ Ong and the Scandal Heaven guys were wearing their fan-made and some wearing the AFA Scandal t-shirts, i'm like the damn extra in the group, hahaha, i was wearing a Kamen Rider T-shirt, hahaha, when i reached to sigining area, RINA NOTICED MY SHIRT AND SAID "ah, Kamen Rider??" with a CUTE smile on her face, awwww, so sweet siol, hahaha, then the rest of the scandal started looking at it and smiled, POWER LA, HAHAHAHAHHAHA After the session, i went home to rest early, for preparation for the next day's concert!!! hahahahaha
As for the T-shirt, i'm not gona post anywhere online, to prevent people to get attention from the girls with MY IDEA and MY T-SHIRT..hahaha

From the previous post's to THIS!!!!


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Yup, as the previous post mentioned~ i'm having my holidays now~~ It's kinda boring though..but it's a good time to relax my mind for the next semester, hahaha

(Like A Boss)

Nothing much happening in the weekdays, besides that i went to meet acouple of buddies for lunch..Went to the CBD area to meet Xin You, he's working there now, haha..he wana borrow a phone from me, which i forgot about it the first time..hahaha, resulting to meet him a second time, pass him the phone. Then off to meet Kai Sheng on Friday, which concidently is on off that day, went to Downtown East to meet him for lunch. Did abit of catching up, since it's been awhile since we last met. Other than that is pretty much, rotting at home..

Went Comex on the weekends, to check out the printers, my previous one was like 10 yrs old already..i guess it's time to de-commission it, hahaha..Went on both saturday and sunday, saturday to RECCE and Sunday to get it..Saw acouple of good choices, but finally, decided on an Epson one, because it's more cost effective, hahaha..Went with Johnathan, Lin and Li Quan, John wana look for a laptop and he bought one on saturday. I went back on Sunday, after jamming, to get the printer..Did a "scatch and extract", 5mins in with the crowd and 5 mins out with the printer..hahaha


Went to HMV on sunday to get Scandal's latest album' Baby Action", woah, since God Knows when i last got a CD, comes with a autograph session ticket this coming Thursday, 1 day before their concert in SG!! Which, I'm going for both!!! hahaha..And finally, LiAR got back together to jam after almost a month or more, ahahaha, but hey~ we havent lost our touch!! ahahaha, got a nice present from Meng Hui and Meng Zi, hahaha..Thanks!! And sorry for mixing up both your numbers the other day..hahahaha, i sms'ed Meng Zi asking something about Meng Hui, thinking the number was Meng Hui's..hahahaha *The Cake was nice* hahahaa

And mintue of Slience for the victims of 911. Rest In Peace.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Been Awhile!!

Rider > Kipi
(Yar, Kipi was at STGCC, T.T)

Yup, it's been awhile. Exams are officially over!! 1 semster of school has just ended!! Now having holidays till mid oct..And of course, what's best?? Birthday after exams!! *not much of a big deal though* hahahaha

Please MTV, Pimp My Ride!!

In between the 2 papers, i managed to find time to go to the STGCC, hahaha..i went with Ong this time..Since both my papers are 1 week apart, so i thought it's good to relax alittle bit la, hahaha..This year's event was smaller and lesser people compared to last year's..I think it's because the Natsu Masturi was held on the same day at the Jap School in Changi..And there's no student price tix, damn it..they must have heard Ashley saying why they should have student price tix when the kids are holding iphones and other expensive gadets last year, wasted sia..hahahaha..Ong and i was walking around with the mindset of "i must get something today" and in the end, we didnt buy a single thing..hahahahhaa

Victor bought me lunch on the 27th, sat..Went to Ma Maison at Bugis, the place is nice, and very japanese feel, and of course the food is good too..Well, it's a japanese western cuisine restaurant, of course got the jap feel la, hahaha..Went to walk around Bugis, and eventually to Suntec..XY said there's a event over so i asked Vic if he wana go check it out or not, and off we go!! Turns out to be nothing much there, it's just for selling Comiket items, which just ended in Japan..but still, just walk around nia, hahaha..then meet XY and we saw a working Diversion Meter *don't know if i spell it corretly*, hahaha..a working 1, saw the insides and i was damn tempted to destory it. Why?? Because i saw a freaking AT89C253 chip in it!!!!! It's the same feeling i saw the R2D2 at the STGCC, reminds me of the freaking robotic car mini project i have to do in school..Vic and I then went off to Wang Cafe to take a break, our legs were damn tired already, hahaha..And we went home after that.

As for sunday, it was a stay home sunday for me, hahha..Monday, the big day!! hahaha, actually got nothing much happen anyways, hahaha..just a ton of sms'es, facebook posts, and emails wishing me happy birthday, and i went back to school to jam, hahaha..going back to school on the 1st monday after exams to jam, damn garang sia..hahaha, but it's jamming so yar, nothing to complain..Then off to a family dinner celebration at night and went to meet Nash after that to lepak, and back home after that..

A big thank you to those who wished me, no matter in what form, shape or size!! And of course to Victor, the Ma Maison was nice!! Thank You!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

As Time Draws Closer!?!

Yup, exams are approaching already, there's a paper next week, Maths, on the 10th..And the Core modules are on 19th and 26th afternoon. So it's time to get serious already!! hahaha, but i'm always serious btw, hahahahahahaha

Triplefi. 10 aka TF10
"Gunmetal Blue"

Nothing much going on this week, didn't went out on the weekends..Just focus doing maths, practice and practice, hahahhaa..Went to meet Victor on friday, he waited for me in school, so i walked to SIM to find him, i walked along the main road and he was waiting for me at the connector between my school and his, -__-'" hahahahaha, Went to take a train to tampines to hang out, but we made a stop at City Hall, went to Jaben to check out the ES8s for my TF10..the orginal cables are too stiff already, it's gona break sooner or later with me squeezeing it in the carrying case and it's kinda uncomfortable after wearing for a long period of time..And as for the ES8s, it's sweat resistant and tangle-free..i do sweat alot so yar, but i didn't get it that day..hahahaha

And I guess somethings are pointless to fight for anymore..So i think i shouldn't feeling so dwon anymore, it was as simple as whether i wana let it silde or not, but i pondered, wavered, i just stubbornly refuse to give up..almost like i'm trying to make myself a tragic hero in a tragic story..

*NO SCARED - ONE OK ROCK on repeat*
Yes, songs do affect my mood..


Sunday, July 31, 2011

" Not Fated "

That's the line i heard the most last week. I guess there's no choice but to accept it??

Final Justice!!!

Anyways, the week's been busy..since exams are near, the rest of the modules started to rush and cramp everything together, with quizzes and mini projects..Almost confronted a lecturer, but the class pulled me back on thursday..Stupid issue, but can't be ignored, putting my marks on the line..I think i need to reflect this to the school..Well, went to meet Ian on Thursday as well, it's been too long since we last met, he's taking a break from school so he's back in Singapore..He's studying in York btw, so the chance of meeting him is rare, hahaha..Had dinner and chatted for a couple of hours, gald to know that he's doing well over there. Talked about some friends issues too, hahaha..apparently, i asked for help, till now still no yar..maybe i knew i shouldn't ask from the start?? hahahaha

Went to catch Captain America on saturday with my old man, hahahha..Not a bad movie at all, nice graphics, and of course, the First Avenger, Captain America is in it..hahahahaha, basically, the marvel superhero movies share connections, so yar.., even one of the heroes' father is in the movie, hahaha..not gona tell you who..So, go check it out, hahaha~

Tried to do something about the issue and it always come back in vain, Once, Twice, Thrice..still no luck..Know how this is going down, Know what's next, yet wana fight against it, swimming upstream..Don't know how much strength is left to push on..

*Solanin is still on repeat*


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Street Fest 2011!?!?!?

The week's been busy..Projects after projects, presentations after presentations, and of course, quzzies after quizzes. School's been kind to the students especially towards the end of the semester, but well, have to suck it up and take it like a man.

Friday was the worst day. Stayed back in school after lessons to "understand my freaking finanical statment". It's a IS module called Understanding Finanical Statement. Students from yr 1 to yr 2 GET to choose their IS module, repeat students GET to choose too. Not for direct 2nd yrs, this is the messed up part of school..they expect the direct yr 2s to understand and accustom to the system which they know nothing about. Well, back to friday, i ended lessons at 4pm, we the 4 of us doing the project have NO background on bussiness or POA stuff..Had to bash through the bloody thing like going through the Amazons. We somehow managed to finish the powerpoint presentation 8.45plus, just nice the library is about to close..Hungry and tired, we went to look for food at King Albert Park..Finally, had Mac's and called it a day..And i missed the SCC's mircogig that night..Damn it..

Saturday was better, went jamming then went Vivo to check out the streetfest. As we nearer we get to the stage, the more cosplayers i see..I'm like "shit"..then i saw XY, kinda expected?? hahahaha, he was there with a huge of friends from the SGrthymZone. Some bands did great, some ok, some are just pure noise, to the point that everyone just cover their ears. As usual, i was "scanning" around..hahaha, then i "lock on" to 1, wearing a nice black hat, white top..Thinking "ahhh, not bad" at that time, but....when i got home, log in to fb, saw a pic of the same black hat, white top..i nothing to say...*Should have wore my glasses*

I guess the lyrics from Solanin by Asian Kung-fu Generation was right.
"Even if that frail happiness had somehow lingered on..."
"A bad seed would have surely sprouted..."
*Solanin on repeat*


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gun Metal Blue!?!?!?!?!

Knighted by the Rock Royalty
And Blessed by the Gods of Music

Nothing much going on for the week. Choosed the course for my 3rd year. Did 3 tests on friday si bei siong ar..hahahaha, but managed to ace them all..Anyway, got myself something new this week, hahahaha..something with its signature gun metal blue color, make a guess, hahaha..Sad news is i missed an opportuntiy to something..again..this time, it's partially becuase of me..didn't liase properly with the people..Got quite taken back this time, first was cosfest and now this..haiz, but well, life goes on...

Have you ever had the feeling of "nah, it's not important to me anymore" but yet you don't bear to throw/cut/delete/discard away?? And you pretend as if nothing has happened when your friends or family talked about it?? Regretting something i should done but only to realise it's too late..Something WHICH i thought is not important, then i realise's more than that...alot more..I'm just hoping that there's something i can do to set it straight..

"Why do we fall??"
"So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Somehow, I managed to be there...

Decision time. Had a briefing earlier on tuesday about the various paths i can choose for my third year..Attachment or FYP, and my major course..EE does branch out to various majors. Got 2weeks to decide, but basically, i have an idea of what i wana do already..

Wasted my time to go CCA on wednesday. Everyone was preparing to go for auditions that day and i didnt prepare anything so i just sat there until this guitarist broke down and cry after the judges said he need to move more on stage, he was stoning there and playing a rock song *Picture it yourself* When the judges said " you need to have stage movement" he replied " i was nervous....." went back to his seat and started to weep already..then the nice girl beside him raised her voice " he practiced very hard already " WAH LAN EH!!! no one said his playing suck..To be honest, i think he's quite good too..and the "seniors" chased everyone out of the lecture theatre in case another case like basically, now i'm sitting outside the LT, still, just sitting..he weeped throughout the whole session, and CCA mates come and go to console him..Not that i wana despise him or something, just that i was thinking, even if the judges said you suck even you practiced hard, you gona break down like this?? Sad is of course will be, but breaking down and cry?? come on, you can do better than that..You wana perform and can't take critism?? what is this??
Good luck in the army, boy.

Down with flu on thursday, but i still went to school *Damn Garang* hahahaha..Can't really focus on the lecture but luckily i was sitting alone, so no distractions..especially the bloody coug**** sound from a certain someone, who's been doing it since day 1, bloody distracting..Didn't get to practice drums afterschool due to the flu too..but the good thing was i managed to attend class on both thursday and friday..hahaha

Went to watched Transformers on saturday night, asked the band take a break from jamming and went to catch a movie instead, in 3D!!!! hahahaha..The movie was cool, nice graphics, big transformers, guns...but sadly, no Megan Fox, hahaha..I still prefer Megan Fox because the new girl don't really know how to act sia..angry, scared all same facial expression 1, hahaha..Got called out by Nash in the afternoon, went to One Fullenton and he said wana go to the NDP reharsal, so we went to the floating platform..Got the "funpack" without the song..hahahaha, left 1/2 way to meet the band for the movie..No spoilers for the movie and the reharsal, hahaha..Just that watch the NDP on tv and live is 2 different thing sia..hahaha


Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Battle Continues?!?!?!


2 weeks of break is coming to an end..Nothing special done during the break so nothing to talk about also, haha..Went to SPCA to do an interview for my project, the representive from the SPCA was friendly and kind so the interview went smoothly, she also showed us some animal abuse cases which they are appealing for witnesses with incentive, but no one is coming forward..Animals got abused with ways that are least thinkable ideas, it's sick, i swear..Damn sick..Anyways, went to jam as usual, getting better and better..doing a couple of new songs too, on our way heading to our 1st live!!! hahahaha..Went to Cosfest yesterday, as usual, nothing much around, hahaha..Once again, she was there and i didnt get to see her..But, well, doesn't matter anymore,, i'm a man of iron will !!!!!!! Hahahahaha..And now, gona take on whatever lies ahead of me..Let's Go~~


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Year's Today?!?!?!

15th June 2010, ORD lohhhhhhh...hhahha
i realised, time really flies..


Monday, June 13, 2011


Having a break now for 2weeks. Was focused in preparing for the common tests for the last 2 weeks, turns out to be overkill..Missed quite a no. of things happening around, stopped jamming for the 2weeks, missed the cohesion with the army boys, acouple of events, and of course my dear May'n concert and her red carpet appearence at the Screen Singapore.. Missing all these stuff gives me a new thinking of school, it's not just a place to gain knowledge and test how much you've learnt from the school, but also tests your mental strength resisting temptations..During the days in army, when you booked out, you're free to do whatever you want, no worries, but in school, need to do revision on top of projects and assignments and stuff..Of course, you can just forget abt all that and go have fun, but if you know my situation, that's a different story..
Now still on my way to learn to let go of things more quickly and swiftly, there's something i thought was very important to me, but since the 'mental strength training" comes in, i began to wonder..Well, i guess somethings DO have to learn through the hard way...


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Moving On.

" It's about time.

To wake up.

To realise.

What's not your's will never be your's.

No matter how hard you fight against it.

Nothing changes.

Nothing matters. "

- Azure.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In life, i know the logic of we'll meet all sorts of people. Some nice ones, some ok ones and some screwed-up ones. Why am i mentioning about this?? It's because i have a very nice lecturer, very nice. One that keeps damn quiet about the online tutorials we must do? Yet always smile smile, seems so cheerful and nice. But when your name appeared on a list of people who did not submit the online tutorials, his face changed. Blasting at you why you have not done it. And said to the class " online tutorials must do, i'm not gona tell u but u must do." Then the module leader comes in and tag team with him. Tried to explain once, twice, bottomline is not that we're unwilling to do, just that we, direct 2nd yrs, have no idea about the system. yet they just tag team only. Got fed up and went to look for the director. And let him be the refree. Everything is just like you and your buddy bashing through an ambush, god damn it.

Went to meet john on friday night, it's been awhile since i went to Tampines, hahaha..Some changes here and there, Comic connections got a facelift, the people used to work there changed as well..Went to the game shop, nothing interest me at the moment.

Satruday went jamming at a new studio, awesome amps, guitars and drumset, just 1 or 2 bucks more than L cube with better equipments!! The toms weren't proper tuned and the cymbals, there's always at least 1 with cracks, hahaha..It's at Clarke Quay, quite near to The Central too..No pictures yet, but cheris took some that day, so waiting for her to update and i can steal from her..hahahahaha


Monday, May 16, 2011

Internal Struggles!?!?!

The week's been like "a plane flying through a high turbulence area". Saw the news about May'n's Unite Tour has added in Singapore as her final tour leg, previously only China, Korea and Hong Kong..Was damn happy that i can get to see her again!!! hahaha, then the date of her concert was announced, i was sitting in front of the monitor and like " WHAT?!?!? WHY ON THAT WEEK?!!??!?!?!" It's on 4th June, in my common test week..Has been asking myself whether should go or not..Deep down, i know i need to concentrate on my studies, but part of me is dying to go..Been struggling for the whole week , asked around, some say go, some say better not..And i decided not to go..Btw, she sings in Budokan in Japan and at *scape's warehouse in Singapore, see the differnce?? sad..Looking back at it now, i feel kinda stupid..struggling and thinking for acouple of days to go or not to go..Since when i started to become a "star chaser"?? Losing my composture like that..

Did something funny during jamming on saturday, you guys can see what i did that day..i was tagged in that video so it's in my facebook,'s quite painful to the hands to do that actually, but it's fun..And i have to apologise to L cube for messing around..hahhaha

Still, i wana play as her drummer at least once. Or LiAR is able to jam with her at least once.
I would say she's part of the motivition of why i'm sitting where i'm sitting now..

"Life's simple, you make choices and don't look back."


Sunday, May 8, 2011

19 is the number?!?!

Yes, 19. Because when i'm in school, i'm a 19yr old malay dude. Amazing eh?? hahahaha, i was asked "hey, i was wondering, Are u malay?? " i'm like " WHAT?!?!?! What's wrong with you?? " hahahaha but of course, i didnt say it out loud..The week's been normal, home to school, school to home till the weekends..May 7th, Saturday is the day that there is so many people walking around my area..hahaha, because i'm practically staying next to a polling station..Went to vote, then off to bugis from jamming, went home after that..Maybe adding another member to the band?! hahaha, stay tuned for more, hhahahaha..Went home to study, test is coming on monday and friday, start school a month only then tests come in to play already -__-' Stay home to study today as well, but went out for dinner, to celebrate mother's day!! Yar, this week got nothing much to say anyways, hahaha, so yar..


Monday, May 2, 2011


" If I can't get your attention now.

I will raise to shine, so bright.

To a point that you can't keep your eyes off me.

I will destroy anything or anyone that stands in my way. "

- Azure.

Song Composing??!?!

Yo~~!!! I'm more or less getting used to school life already. Everything's fast paced here, 5th week tests comes in, quizzes, blah, blah, blah..but i can handle, hahaha..went for my 1st CCA orentation last wednesday, the Song Composing Club. I think i'm sticking to this 1 as the taiko drums training is on wednesday as well, but it's 6pm to 8..and the thing is i end class at 8pm on wednesdays -__-' It's whole lot different compared to my lessons, hahaha..I'm in engineering course, when i say different, make a guess, haha..definitely, adding more colours to my school life..hhahaha

Basically, for song composing club, we just form a band and start to write our own songs?? i think so..nothing in details has been pass down or what so ever, so i guess i have to stick around long enough to find out..hahaha, but of course, LiAR ALWAYS comes 1st compared to the SCC, i shit u not. Things has been running smoothly recently, so yar, the feeling's great!! hahaha, just that now have to make sure not everything run too smoothly or else the fall is great too..Well, i don't really believe one can get lucky in everything they yar, i'll be cautious.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

School x Sakura?!?!?!

Taken when Luke went to the toliet. Hahaha

The Geek.(Meng Hui asked me to pose like that 1..)

School has began. Happily went to the orentation on Monday just to realise that i have lessons at 1pm that day..What the heck sia, emails, school's website and everything shows it's orentation week for the whole week..But(always a catch, hahaha), for those direct yr 2s, it's lesson time because we join in to the classes available and not start a new class. So, my orentation has been cut short from 4 days to 4 hours..Luckily, i managed to go to the CCA fiesta during the orentation and i went to join 3 CCAs, hahahaa..many many siol, they're the Percussion Club, Song Composing Club and the Tsubasa Club..Just join only, not fun or can't cope liaoz then can say goodbye.

That's not my camera though. Hahahaa

Went to the Sakura Fest on Friday and Saturday. It's very very small, but kinda expected since there's not really alot of publicity on it. Went there with the band to see the band's performance. Well, i was hoping to see someone else as well..Haiz, that one is a very very sad story..very..Both of us were there on both days and walked pass each other without knowing..Went to have dinner together after the performances on Friday and went home after that.

Jammed on Saturday, before going to the big big ferris wheel again, this time is for Cheris, hahaha..she wana see Ethe'Real's performance..The sound check on the 2nd day is definitely better as the 1st day was just pure loudness and almost all the bands plays metal on the 1st day, ZzZz
After watching all the performances on both days, i guess all of us is pumped up for one least, I am..hahaha, it's time for LiAR to SHINE!!!!!!!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

A New Hope?!?!?!

The last week of my free time before school starts, went to the bonding camp on thrusday and friday..managed to smoke out on friday though, kinda waste time and i think i passed the age of doing those activities already..hahaha, alot of funny things happened in the camp..but like Ong said, i'm supposed to go through this camp before going army camps, so yar..hahahahaha

Got a woke up call from Nash on saturday morning, damn regret to forget to off my damn phone..hahahahaha, in the end, we went to swim at tampines..Went home after lunch, and headed to the studios at night for jamming..Meet the guys for dinner and went to jam, sat down for awhile after jamming..explained some rules and customs to Ong, hahahaha..i'm sure the rest of the band saw it coming, those rules and customs of mine..hahahahaha, they were implemented not long ago, like a couple weeks ago, due to certain event..hahahahaha, went home after that and basically stayed at home the whole sunday..hahaha

As for who is Ong, he's the new bassist in my band. we are going through members reshufflement, hahaha..and Cheris will now play the guitar. And of course, we're still looking for oppunities to perform. Before Ong got the explainations from me, he catched a certain word in the studio, and asked " what's with the "word"??" then Meng Hui and Cheris kept saying the word..i went "eh, one more time"..that's what i use to say when we about to start playing a song..And my rhythm went haywire after Meng Hui and Cheris went disturbing me..

Can't believe my rhythm goes all sorts of direction after they mention the word nia..Weak sia, hahahaha


Monday, April 11, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles!!!!

Marines vs Aliens. HooAH~~

The story is set in modern day Los Angeles and follows a platoon of U.S. Marines during a global alien invasion.

A freaking nice show, of course, i'm a war flick fan so yar..i like the intensity like " everything is coming down onto you". Unlike normal movies when they shoot with camera on a stand with railings and stuff, they shoot this film like " someone recording down the whole thing with a phone or something" the shakyness, the zooming-ins..WooOOOoO!!! well, the reviews aren't very good and the story is kinda same as other war films but this is a definitely must watch for people like me, catch it in cinemas, with the surround sound and the effects from the speakers in the cinema, it's freaking great!!!


Retreat? HELL!!!

*a motto used by the marines in Battle: Los Angeles

Things has definitely gotten better this week. Able to see the light in the rain, hahaha..sound so holy siol..hahahaha, but yar..did some self training whole of the week..going through the week with nothing much special..Till friday, went to The Mulligan's with couple of old classmates..It's a nice place, with so call a "live band" (there's only a guitarist who sings and strums), place to hang out too, chatted for awhile, catching up with the rest..

Went to swee lee and ranking to check out some stuffs on saturday, was planning to go Itacho sushi for dinner with my old man, but was called off due to the rain, haha..don't know why raining can't go out 1, hahaha..well, that concludes my saturday..hahaha, and i missed my Shibuhara Girls, FML..hahahaha

Jamming as usual on sunday, made some things official for the band..i think it's my selfish reasons?? hahahaha, i don't care, i'm abusing authority..after jamming, went to mac for lunch and chatted for awhile, talked about the things we gona do..went to cineleisure to meet up with my old man for a movie Battle: Los Angeles. A super funny thing happened when he parked our car at scape, i'll fill you in if we're close, hahaha..i almost laughed my balls off, hahahahaha..parked the car, went to the movies and then off to plaza sing to try out's a sushi place opened by a Hong Kong chef who went Japan for training, there's a couple of outlets in Hong Kong and Singapore too..and we went home after that, managed to catch my Shibuhara Girls and here i am, hahaha


Monday, April 4, 2011


That's the number appeared on the thermometer last wednesday and a record holding temperature. The last record was 38.7 which got me 6days of mc, hahaha..It was around low tide of the H1N1 period, when the virus was about to die off..Damn gald that i don't have to stay in the chalet..hahaha

Yar, it's downward spiral week 2..the start of the week was ok, monday went to school..collect some stuff and tuesday went to airport twice..hahaha, 1st time was a failed attempt to surprise someone who's going off that day..hahaha and the 2nd time was to sakae for buffet with's been awhile since we last went to sakae, when victor and crystal was still hanging out with us, hahaha..listening to "the girl who has fall in love/broke up with ___" all the time, hahaha..but hey, that was back in the days..illness starts to attack, cold, sore throat and fever..all in 1 came looking for body was aching like hell and the temperature was too high to give a pass to the doc so i went to the doc's..stayed at home for the whole week, finally got better on saturday..Didn't jammed this week, cause i went to send my mother off to the airport..she's leaving to HK for 2weeks..Bascially got nothing done last week but just rotting at home..but on the other hand, some things had a good turn..or i should say, it wasn't so bad as expected..


Monday, March 28, 2011

Just for laughs?!

A: I'm drawing this picture cause i'm feeling down..

B: Why are you feeling down?? What happpened?

A: Look at the picture when i'm done and tell me what do you think.

B: *looks at the picture* Why did you use these colours?? it's hurting my eyes.

Hahahha, did this kind of scenerio happened to you before??

Note: i got this from Dayo Wong's stand up comedy shows.


Downward Spiral, When do I begin??

Quoted from Papa Roach's Last Resort.

Things has not been going smoothly recently..but i guess life is full of ups and downs so maybe now is the down period..the event i was looking forward to got cancel or i should say the segment i was looking forward to got was like a milestone for me, i has more or less affected the band too, it hit me more because i have a personal reason for looking forward to the event, yar, i do..The band is kinda doing fine, just that we gotta change some new members, 1 flying off soon, 1 got flew away by us..Of course, i don't feel good about it, you will understand if you know me well and yet another close friend is leaving to aussie to study, i'm losing my friends to aussie bit by bit..basket, hahaaha..Looking at Ryo-chan's situation pains me, i know i can't do anything to ease his pains and sorrow too..All i can do is stand by him..

Went to play pool with the band on Saturday, went to the one at usual, the place is filled with distractions..hahaha, for me, there were 2 distractions only..hahahaha, 1 was a May'n look alike and another 1...hahaha, Meng Hui caught me looking at the another 1..hahaha, she's got a ponytail, hahaha..Went to HMV after pool, wanted to ask if they got May'n posters for sell or something..yar, i'm a May'n fan, you've got a problem?? hahaha then we went off the 313 for dinner and headed home..that concludes saturday..

Jamming on sunday as usual..went to zam zam for lunch, apparently, the food was super spicy, hahaha..spent almost 1/2 a day in studio and acouple of hours at the singtel shop..then back home for dinner and of course, my Shibuhara Girls..Hehehe

Well, at least not everything was dark and gloomy for the week, but still, it's not extactly positive too..


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tight Schedule!!

A packed weekend for this week, hahaha..Been running around the country, for work, for the band and for myself..Tiring but worthwhile, so there's nothing to complain's been awhile, i woke up 7 plus in the morning on a Sunday as well, hahaha..What for?? it's a secret, H. I. M. I. T. S. U. des~~ hahahaha..I was practically out on the whole saturday, morning went jamming, lunch, then to expo to get some stuff for our secret project..Then went off to Tampines to meet Victor..It's been awhile since i last saw him, dinner then went to hang out for awhile and went home after that..After jamming, then i realised it's Saturday, and i've missed my Shibuhara Girls..Damn, hahaha..

As mention earlier, went out early on sunday..And i basically misread Sean's sms and brought my plushie out too, -__-; hahahaha..And of course, i put it in my bag, not hugging her like a daughter in case some people got any cute ideas on it..Although we didn't do much, it was super tiring..hahaha, basically, one of the lines in Eminem's Lose Yourself described us: Plams are sweaty, Knees weak, Arms are Heavy..

All set~~


I found her wearing the cap when i got home from work, my mom just put it on her head when my cap fell off the hook and i just took this pic..hahaha


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Natural Disasters..

When the day the tsunami hit my bank, the real one hit Japan..A 9.0 magnitude earthqauke hit Japan triggering a tsunami, the strongest earthquake Japan has experienced..and there's a possible partial nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant..This disaster has taken the life of my friend's grandmother..

A minute of silence for the victims of the recent disasters.
Requiescat in Pace.


Monday, March 14, 2011


Went to celebrate Cheris' birthday on sunday, though her birthday was on the 10th..hahaha, met the band at Plaza Singapura and went to watch "I AM NUMBER FOUR" quite a nice show, but not something that "woah" me..and we went to Ajisen at the Tokyo Walker...again..hahaha, i guess it's a woman's instinct to walk into Ajisen?? ahahaha, the first time was the plus one incident, second time was my mom and the third is Meng Hui, hahaha..Both my mom and Meng Hui just walked into Ajisen without looking..hahahhaa, anyone supports my theory?? hahahaha...Well, i kinda snapped after "a boy who didnt grew up insist to go his way" trying his stunts again..Not gona say anymore about that..

Bottomline, I chose Friendship over Practicalness..Do Not Make Me Regret My Decision..

After he left, we went around town area to look at some stuffs, i kinda feel better already..I guess stick with the band is always a cheer up thing for me..hahaha

Actually, I was feeling uncertain for the past couple of weeks, Have you ever had the feeling of you wanting something so bad but once it's in front of you, you stop and think?? Yar, that's kinda the thing going through my mind..Afraid of what you think it is but it turns out to be extactly not what you think it is?? Exploring new things??possiblilies?? If you're close enough, you know what's going on la..It's my weakness, i guess..friendship over practicalness, this uncertain shit..but hey, everyone got their's..
So, what's your's??

Speaking of exploring, i did something i didn't think that i will do it, hahahha...


Busy Week?!


For the past few weeks, I've been wondering where the heck is my enrolment package..Checked out the school's website and it says end of Feb, then the website updated to early March..I cant't stand to wait so i just went to call the school on monday and they said by end of this week..FINALLY, I received a call from school on wednesday to collect my enrolment package..Took an half day off, and went to school..Kinda almost freaked out when I was standing in front of the school..Went to the admin buliding and the first thing I saw is a girl filping right in front of me sia..kana stunned sia, it was the cheerleading team, i guess..hahaha, went up, get the package, check the contents and left the school..

Went back to school on Friday again to get my laptop, after comparing the specs and price for the laptops in school and in IT show..And turn out that school's price and specs are better, so yar..And finally got my first laptop in my life..hahaha, but need to sort out a no. of things before everything is fully operational..

UVERworld's Quaila come to my mind when the package was handed to me by the staff in school..If you know what's going on with me, then i guess you'll know why this song is up..hahahaha


Monday, March 7, 2011

An Unproductive Week!?!?!...Almost!!!


I was down with dirrahea and fever on friday..My boss went home early and said " eh, if u're not well also, then leave early as well.." We went to eat at some wulu place and DOWN we go, basket..Stayed home the whole day, with jelly legs..Still managed to catch my Shibuhara Girls.

Almost didn't jam due to the dirrahea..But i've gotten better on sunday, not fully recovered but well enough to jam, then basically, i just went to call the guys and wake them up to jam again..They planned to cancel it since i couldn't make it..So we jammed..then we went to the
Comifest, it was the smallest event i've seen..


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


From left : Takuya, Katsuya, Nobuto, Shintaro and Akira

30th post!!!

This is the band that turned me into a J-rock junkie, hahaha..They were first formed in 2003, known as Sangoku Raod in the indie music scene..They orginally consist of 7 members until the saxophonist and another pseron left, then they changed renamed themselves to UVERworld..I got the pleasure to get to listen to their indie album Prime'03 as a friend went to japan for a tour and managed to hear them live in a live house and he went to get the CD, and that;s how i get to know Sangoku Road, then in 2005, UVERworld's 1st single "D-tecnolife" was used in the Bleach anime, and it has striking similiarities as Sangoku Road's "D-tecnoRIZE" i went google abit and realised that they are the same, hahaha and i never stopped listening to them ever since!!!


TAKUYA∞ (Vocalist, song writting and programming)

Katsuya (Guitar, Leader)

Akira (Guitar)

Nobuto (Bass)

Shintaro (Drums)

Basically, i will recommend all their singles!! They're awesome!! but for starters



just Melody

UVERchan, their mascot!!!

DC, UVERfan.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A minute of Silence.

I was watching the weekly news summary, then i realised there's a earthqaruke at Chirstchurch on the 21/22 this month..Christchurch is a city if anyone has any cute's the biggest city of South Island in New Zealand..At least 147 people have been confirmed dead and more than 200 people have been reported as missing as of 5:56pm New Zealand local time, 27 February, making the earthquake one of the deadliest natural disasters in New Zealand's recorded history..

A Minute of Silence for the Victims.
Requiescat in Pace.


Just Another Normal Week?!?!?!

Met up with Nash on Saturday, the plan was to swim but he said he's tired so we went for lunch instead..Supposely to meet at 12 at tampines for the swim so i assumed we meeting at 12 for lunch instead..but just when i reach tampines, he sms'ed me "eh, meet what time ar??" i was thinking "liao"..i just replied him, i'm at tampines already, hahaha..and he said wait for him for another 20mins, he taking cab to meet me..20mins later, he called again..saying he couldn't find a cab, we just bullshitting around on the phone till he got a cab..and he asked me to get him a green apple ice-blended, basket..hahaha, then we went to have lunch, walked awhile then went to parkway parade and get some fo his stuff..and i took a bus home, took me 1hr 30mins to reach punggol interchange, sit till backside pain, hahaha and i realised i missed my Shibuhara Girls after he mentioned was catching an old tv show..T.T
Btw, he reached tampines ard 1pm and he stays in marine parade

Did some damage at Sean's house today again..this time just him, Meng Hui and Me..did some cover songs and worked on an orginal, soon to be heard!!! Did a 6hrs jamming session!! hahaha


Sunday, February 20, 2011

A post for a thought?!?!?!

*Warning Coarse Language in this post*

A, B and C went out together.
A waited at where the 3 supposed to meet,
While B and C was having lunch nearby.
D wana meet A because A got something for D from a mutual friend.
A, B and C went somewhere and waited for D to come.
soon, B and C went missing and call A, saying will look for a place for dinner and wait for A and D.
leaving A at where D suppose to meet.

Nice setting??
Fucking bullshit.


The Turntable Instrumentalist!!!!!!

Sean, Koflow and Me.

Went for a workshop on DJ-ing and Turntabling by DJ Koflow on Saturday with Sean..It was a part of the Mosaic Music Festival by Esplande..Learnt the some basic skills and techniques of turntablism..It's quite fun!! for least, I always wanted to try turntabling, scratching..So, it's all good for me!! hahahaha
note: Turntablist DJs and DJs who just mash up songs are different!!!

Some background info: DJ Koflow is Singapore's DMC Champion 2003 and Juice magazine's Best DJ 2008..He had even shared the stage with Missy Eillot, Black Eyed Peas and Kayne West!!


Thursday, February 17, 2011


Comes with the box, a pouch, eartips (in the box) and the earphones ONLY.
I think alot of people did not hear the brand Hippo before.

My previous in-ear earphones lasted for 1 year 3mths and died on me on the day that Ashley left..just when i told Sean it lasted an year plus already, basket.. It was the Shroom by Hippo..Went to Jaben to trade in the Shroom Extra Bass by Hippo with a top up of 30bucks..Retail price was $88

My previous one looks the same just that the buds are longer for the new one.

Sean wanted to me to listen to a song in his iTouch. His earphones are bluetooth ones and hanged around his neck like an necklace, so i took out my earphones from a carrying box.

Sean: Wah, got box siol
Me: Yes, more protection..if not, last for afew months nia..this pair lasted for a yr plus already..haha

That night, when the bus reached punggol..the right side got no sound coming out of it already..

So, how long does your's last??
