Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I've Done?!?!?!

(Our failed attempt to take a group picture!! hahaha)

(Jamming at *Scape!!)

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog, hahaha..Nothing much to talk about either, just all the broing stuff, basically is eat, sleep, work, play, jam. And tomorrow is the start of the 2nd semester of school..The timetable is ok but some of the lecturers are not. But I think it's still managable.

Back to Singtel was a good one, since I'm comfortable with the people I worked with, nice and friendly people, and Kai Sheng is working at the same building so, we managed to have lunch together most of the time, hahaha..Managed to talked about some stuff, like my favourite line "Just like old times." hahahaha..All in all a good experience though~

Got the game Gran Turismo 5 recently and I'm just stuck with it, playing non stop, hahahaha..I know, I know, is not really a new game but yar, i just got it, hahaha..And I'm getting Arkham City soon, and Of Course, the new Assassin's Creed..Pre-ordered that one actually, hahaha

(Had this for dinner after the jamming at *scape!!)

As for jamming, we tried out 2 new studios recently~ One is the one at *scape, and Epic Studios. The one in *scape is alot cheaper compared to the all the studios we went and the equipment is..i think passable, besides that they only have 1 crash cybmal..As for Epic Studios, the owner is very friendly, kind enough to promote us on the Epic Studios Facbook Page, the equipments are good there too!!

(The Drums at Epic Studios!!)

(Lastly, a picture taken by the owner of Epic Studios~~)

Well, that's kinda what I did for the past 3 weeks, hahaha..nothing much~
And I'm still looking for her, no news still and I can feel my hopes slipping away..


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