Sunday, July 10, 2011

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Somehow, I managed to be there...

Decision time. Had a briefing earlier on tuesday about the various paths i can choose for my third year..Attachment or FYP, and my major course..EE does branch out to various majors. Got 2weeks to decide, but basically, i have an idea of what i wana do already..

Wasted my time to go CCA on wednesday. Everyone was preparing to go for auditions that day and i didnt prepare anything so i just sat there until this guitarist broke down and cry after the judges said he need to move more on stage, he was stoning there and playing a rock song *Picture it yourself* When the judges said " you need to have stage movement" he replied " i was nervous....." went back to his seat and started to weep already..then the nice girl beside him raised her voice " he practiced very hard already " WAH LAN EH!!! no one said his playing suck..To be honest, i think he's quite good too..and the "seniors" chased everyone out of the lecture theatre in case another case like basically, now i'm sitting outside the LT, still, just sitting..he weeped throughout the whole session, and CCA mates come and go to console him..Not that i wana despise him or something, just that i was thinking, even if the judges said you suck even you practiced hard, you gona break down like this?? Sad is of course will be, but breaking down and cry?? come on, you can do better than that..You wana perform and can't take critism?? what is this??
Good luck in the army, boy.

Down with flu on thursday, but i still went to school *Damn Garang* hahahaha..Can't really focus on the lecture but luckily i was sitting alone, so no distractions..especially the bloody coug**** sound from a certain someone, who's been doing it since day 1, bloody distracting..Didn't get to practice drums afterschool due to the flu too..but the good thing was i managed to attend class on both thursday and friday..hahaha

Went to watched Transformers on saturday night, asked the band take a break from jamming and went to catch a movie instead, in 3D!!!! hahahaha..The movie was cool, nice graphics, big transformers, guns...but sadly, no Megan Fox, hahaha..I still prefer Megan Fox because the new girl don't really know how to act sia..angry, scared all same facial expression 1, hahaha..Got called out by Nash in the afternoon, went to One Fullenton and he said wana go to the NDP reharsal, so we went to the floating platform..Got the "funpack" without the song..hahahaha, left 1/2 way to meet the band for the movie..No spoilers for the movie and the reharsal, hahaha..Just that watch the NDP on tv and live is 2 different thing sia..hahaha


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