Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Been Awhile!!

Rider > Kipi
(Yar, Kipi was at STGCC, T.T)

Yup, it's been awhile. Exams are officially over!! 1 semster of school has just ended!! Now having holidays till mid oct..And of course, what's best?? Birthday after exams!! *not much of a big deal though* hahahaha

Please MTV, Pimp My Ride!!

In between the 2 papers, i managed to find time to go to the STGCC, hahaha..i went with Ong this time..Since both my papers are 1 week apart, so i thought it's good to relax alittle bit la, hahaha..This year's event was smaller and lesser people compared to last year's..I think it's because the Natsu Masturi was held on the same day at the Jap School in Changi..And there's no student price tix, damn it..they must have heard Ashley saying why they should have student price tix when the kids are holding iphones and other expensive gadets last year, wasted sia..hahahaha..Ong and i was walking around with the mindset of "i must get something today" and in the end, we didnt buy a single thing..hahahahhaa

Victor bought me lunch on the 27th, sat..Went to Ma Maison at Bugis, the place is nice, and very japanese feel, and of course the food is good too..Well, it's a japanese western cuisine restaurant, of course got the jap feel la, hahaha..Went to walk around Bugis, and eventually to Suntec..XY said there's a event over so i asked Vic if he wana go check it out or not, and off we go!! Turns out to be nothing much there, it's just for selling Comiket items, which just ended in Japan..but still, just walk around nia, hahaha..then meet XY and we saw a working Diversion Meter *don't know if i spell it corretly*, hahaha..a working 1, saw the insides and i was damn tempted to destory it. Why?? Because i saw a freaking AT89C253 chip in it!!!!! It's the same feeling i saw the R2D2 at the STGCC, reminds me of the freaking robotic car mini project i have to do in school..Vic and I then went off to Wang Cafe to take a break, our legs were damn tired already, hahaha..And we went home after that.

As for sunday, it was a stay home sunday for me, hahha..Monday, the big day!! hahaha, actually got nothing much happen anyways, hahaha..just a ton of sms'es, facebook posts, and emails wishing me happy birthday, and i went back to school to jam, hahaha..going back to school on the 1st monday after exams to jam, damn garang sia..hahaha, but it's jamming so yar, nothing to complain..Then off to a family dinner celebration at night and went to meet Nash after that to lepak, and back home after that..

A big thank you to those who wished me, no matter in what form, shape or size!! And of course to Victor, the Ma Maison was nice!! Thank You!!


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