Friday, September 23, 2011




Last week was a BLAST!!! Thursday, SCANDAL autograph session. Friday, SCANDAL concert!!! Saturday, jamming. Sunday, Waseda Shibuya Senior High School's SEIRAN Festival!!. And my results was out on Friday too, totally slipped off my mind about that, hahaha..Only Scandal was on my mind at time, hahaha..

Spent the Thursday morning/afternoon as usual, and went out to HMV in the evening for the SCANDAL autograph session!! The session starts at 7 but I went there ard 5plus towards 6 to meet Ong and the Scandal Heaven forum's people..It's the 1st time i met them so Ong went around intro-ing me to the people, Ong was telling me that they're jamming Scandal songs for leisure and they're looking for a drummer, so i guess that's another band i'm joining?? hahaha, Hope they will really call me to go jamming..hahahaha, had dinner at the foodcourt at 313 then we headed down to HMV and went to queue, hahaha..embrassingly, we were the group that made the most noise in HMV, hahahaa, well, i guess everyone is damn exictied to meet scandal!! hahaha..They arrived around 7pm and everyone was screaming for them, we too, screamed for them but we also shouted to the manager, i dont know how to spell his name, hahaha!! At first, he was quite happy, when we get closer, he began to feel embrassed, hahaha, they greeted the fans, answered afew questions and the autograph session begins~ Ong and the Scandal Heaven guys were wearing their fan-made and some wearing the AFA Scandal t-shirts, i'm like the damn extra in the group, hahaha, i was wearing a Kamen Rider T-shirt, hahaha, when i reached to sigining area, RINA NOTICED MY SHIRT AND SAID "ah, Kamen Rider??" with a CUTE smile on her face, awwww, so sweet siol, hahaha, then the rest of the scandal started looking at it and smiled, POWER LA, HAHAHAHAHHAHA After the session, i went home to rest early, for preparation for the next day's concert!!! hahahahaha
As for the T-shirt, i'm not gona post anywhere online, to prevent people to get attention from the girls with MY IDEA and MY T-SHIRT..hahaha

From the previous post's to THIS!!!!


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