Friday, September 23, 2011


(Some prizes won!!)

Last post for last week, hahaha..Sunday!! Actually, I decided to stay at home and rest, since all the events from Thursday to Saturday was tiring but I still went to Waseda on Sunday!! hahahaha, actually, the school is kinda near my school but I didn't notice about it, hahaha

(It's quite good actually!!)

Seiran Fest, is kinda serve as an open house day for outsiders to have a look around the school, introducing the locals, the Japanese Cultures..Went there at 12 with Johnathan and Lin, and met Xin You there..he was there since 9am, he practically tried everything already and accompanied us and walked around again..There's alots of games to play and i won a Mickey Mouse cup in a lucky draw, hahahaha..Because Minnie Mouse gave me the luck, hahahaha, some of u might know what I'm talking about, hahaha..Then off to the canteen, *Thay call it Cookhouse, but you know why people like me like to call it a CANTEEN* ahahaha, for lunch..While queueing up for food, there's a number of bands performing on stage, and most of them are great!! Managed to flim one of the bands playing but i think it's better not to post anywhere online, since the school is advising not to post videos or pictures of the students to protect their privacy, and I'm honour that for now, hahaha..But each band managed to perform 1 song only as there is too many bands already, hahaha..but the thing is the locals are not responsive at all, they're just queueing for food, not even applause, but the students are very supportive though, hahahaha..After having lunch, we continued to play some games in various classrooms, and managed to get more prizes!! hahaha, and we went seperate ways around 5 and i went home after that, by that time, i was limping already, the leg cramped on saturday, begin to hurt and i had to limp, hahaha..And i was limping to work on monday as well!! hahahaha..All in all, i can say last week was a total Japanese culture week for me, hahahaha

And lastly,

Actually, I'm looking for her..Please drop me a email or msg, if you know her..And pls, I'm serious about this, I really hope see her again.


RinNNNNNNNaaaaaAAAAAA~~~~ Aftermath?!?!?!

(Looks like I'm holding onto the crash, but I'm NOT!!!)

After 2 days of Scandal = Yoko Yoko on every limbs, salonpas,deep heat rub, voice gone, hahaha..But, it's time for jamming!! And we went jamming on saturday afternoon!! hahaha..Last year, also not so garang sia, didn't go jamming before or after the AFA concert, hahahaha~ But hey, managed to jam a new song that session, power eh?? hahaha.. Ong was like a zombie standing there playing bass, and i pedal the bass drum untill leg cramp sia!! hahahaha, but the mood was damn high, hahaha..I guess Ong and i was greatly affected by the mood during the concert, hahaha..Went Burger King to chill after jamming and Ong was telling the rest how i was screaming for Rina like a little girl, -__-' hahahahaha..Then we talked about some other band stuff too, and i was supposed to meet Johnathan to get the EM3A math book from him and have dinner together at 7pm but we ended up leaving the place at 7, hahaha..But still, i went to meet him, for dinner and for the book..Then i asked him and Lin if they're interested in going to the Waseda Shibuya Senior High School Seiran Fest. Which we went on Sunday!!



(Lovely Haruna!!)

Continued from previous post~~

Friday, an emotional roller coaster ride day, hahaha..It was my first day at work.Same place, same people, same old shit again, hahaha..Reported to work at 9, but in mind, faster pang kang, i got a concert to catch, hahaha..then my phone rang, "Bro, results out already, go check it out.."..Wake up thinking "YES AH, SCANDAL CONCERT!!!!" then first thing in the morning, or rather, first sms in the morning is about my results being released..Hoping it will not affect my mood to the concert later that day, i went to check..Turns out to be rather ok, hahaha..but still not satisified with it..=(
Work, work and work till 5.30pm..LAI LIAO LAI LIAO, time to run to the concert!!! hahahaha, rushed down to the concert hall, and waited awhile for the securities to open the doors for entrance..Again with Ong and the Scandal Heaven guys, hahaha, they went to queue quite early, some were as early as 10.30am, and the concert starts at 8pm. Damn Garang, I hereby salute thee!! *SALUTE* Once the hour hand of a clock hits 8, the securities opened the door and everyone rushed in!! Ong and I managed to secure a seat on the right of the stage where Mami stands!! hahaha, we're sitting on the 3rd row so it's uber close to us, i mean UBER CLOSE, hahaha..Once the lights dimmed, Scandal started playing their first song, I also started screaming, shouting, jumping already, hahahahah..Just like what happened in AFA last year, hahahaha..And i was screaming RINNNNNNAAAAAAA all the time, and HARU!! HARU!!! HARU!! acouple of times, hahaha, i guess drummers attract drummers?? hahaha, I know the band is wearing IEMs which they can't heard a thing besides their own instruments, but what's the point of going concerts with you're not shouting, screaming, jumping?? hahahaha, but still we managed to catch Maimi's attention, she smiled at Ong and I twice, and Rina also smiled at us twice~~ YES AHHHHHH!!!! hahahaha..Tired, losing voice, arms weak but, STILL JUST SHOUT ONLY!!!!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!! hahahaha..The concert lasted for nearly 2hrs, it was totally worth it, because..I'm a fan?? hahahaha No pictures taken because, as usual, no photo taking is allowed and the security is tight that day..hahaha






Last week was a BLAST!!! Thursday, SCANDAL autograph session. Friday, SCANDAL concert!!! Saturday, jamming. Sunday, Waseda Shibuya Senior High School's SEIRAN Festival!!. And my results was out on Friday too, totally slipped off my mind about that, hahaha..Only Scandal was on my mind at time, hahaha..

Spent the Thursday morning/afternoon as usual, and went out to HMV in the evening for the SCANDAL autograph session!! The session starts at 7 but I went there ard 5plus towards 6 to meet Ong and the Scandal Heaven forum's people..It's the 1st time i met them so Ong went around intro-ing me to the people, Ong was telling me that they're jamming Scandal songs for leisure and they're looking for a drummer, so i guess that's another band i'm joining?? hahaha, Hope they will really call me to go jamming..hahahaha, had dinner at the foodcourt at 313 then we headed down to HMV and went to queue, hahaha..embrassingly, we were the group that made the most noise in HMV, hahahaa, well, i guess everyone is damn exictied to meet scandal!! hahaha..They arrived around 7pm and everyone was screaming for them, we too, screamed for them but we also shouted to the manager, i dont know how to spell his name, hahaha!! At first, he was quite happy, when we get closer, he began to feel embrassed, hahaha, they greeted the fans, answered afew questions and the autograph session begins~ Ong and the Scandal Heaven guys were wearing their fan-made and some wearing the AFA Scandal t-shirts, i'm like the damn extra in the group, hahaha, i was wearing a Kamen Rider T-shirt, hahaha, when i reached to sigining area, RINA NOTICED MY SHIRT AND SAID "ah, Kamen Rider??" with a CUTE smile on her face, awwww, so sweet siol, hahaha, then the rest of the scandal started looking at it and smiled, POWER LA, HAHAHAHAHHAHA After the session, i went home to rest early, for preparation for the next day's concert!!! hahahahaha
As for the T-shirt, i'm not gona post anywhere online, to prevent people to get attention from the girls with MY IDEA and MY T-SHIRT..hahaha

From the previous post's to THIS!!!!


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Yup, as the previous post mentioned~ i'm having my holidays now~~ It's kinda boring though..but it's a good time to relax my mind for the next semester, hahaha

(Like A Boss)

Nothing much happening in the weekdays, besides that i went to meet acouple of buddies for lunch..Went to the CBD area to meet Xin You, he's working there now, haha..he wana borrow a phone from me, which i forgot about it the first time..hahaha, resulting to meet him a second time, pass him the phone. Then off to meet Kai Sheng on Friday, which concidently is on off that day, went to Downtown East to meet him for lunch. Did abit of catching up, since it's been awhile since we last met. Other than that is pretty much, rotting at home..

Went Comex on the weekends, to check out the printers, my previous one was like 10 yrs old already..i guess it's time to de-commission it, hahaha..Went on both saturday and sunday, saturday to RECCE and Sunday to get it..Saw acouple of good choices, but finally, decided on an Epson one, because it's more cost effective, hahaha..Went with Johnathan, Lin and Li Quan, John wana look for a laptop and he bought one on saturday. I went back on Sunday, after jamming, to get the printer..Did a "scatch and extract", 5mins in with the crowd and 5 mins out with the printer..hahaha


Went to HMV on sunday to get Scandal's latest album' Baby Action", woah, since God Knows when i last got a CD, comes with a autograph session ticket this coming Thursday, 1 day before their concert in SG!! Which, I'm going for both!!! hahaha..And finally, LiAR got back together to jam after almost a month or more, ahahaha, but hey~ we havent lost our touch!! ahahaha, got a nice present from Meng Hui and Meng Zi, hahaha..Thanks!! And sorry for mixing up both your numbers the other day..hahahaha, i sms'ed Meng Zi asking something about Meng Hui, thinking the number was Meng Hui's..hahahaha *The Cake was nice* hahahaa

And mintue of Slience for the victims of 911. Rest In Peace.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Been Awhile!!

Rider > Kipi
(Yar, Kipi was at STGCC, T.T)

Yup, it's been awhile. Exams are officially over!! 1 semster of school has just ended!! Now having holidays till mid oct..And of course, what's best?? Birthday after exams!! *not much of a big deal though* hahahaha

Please MTV, Pimp My Ride!!

In between the 2 papers, i managed to find time to go to the STGCC, hahaha..i went with Ong this time..Since both my papers are 1 week apart, so i thought it's good to relax alittle bit la, hahaha..This year's event was smaller and lesser people compared to last year's..I think it's because the Natsu Masturi was held on the same day at the Jap School in Changi..And there's no student price tix, damn it..they must have heard Ashley saying why they should have student price tix when the kids are holding iphones and other expensive gadets last year, wasted sia..hahahaha..Ong and i was walking around with the mindset of "i must get something today" and in the end, we didnt buy a single thing..hahahahhaa

Victor bought me lunch on the 27th, sat..Went to Ma Maison at Bugis, the place is nice, and very japanese feel, and of course the food is good too..Well, it's a japanese western cuisine restaurant, of course got the jap feel la, hahaha..Went to walk around Bugis, and eventually to Suntec..XY said there's a event over so i asked Vic if he wana go check it out or not, and off we go!! Turns out to be nothing much there, it's just for selling Comiket items, which just ended in Japan..but still, just walk around nia, hahaha..then meet XY and we saw a working Diversion Meter *don't know if i spell it corretly*, hahaha..a working 1, saw the insides and i was damn tempted to destory it. Why?? Because i saw a freaking AT89C253 chip in it!!!!! It's the same feeling i saw the R2D2 at the STGCC, reminds me of the freaking robotic car mini project i have to do in school..Vic and I then went off to Wang Cafe to take a break, our legs were damn tired already, hahaha..And we went home after that.

As for sunday, it was a stay home sunday for me, hahha..Monday, the big day!! hahaha, actually got nothing much happen anyways, hahaha..just a ton of sms'es, facebook posts, and emails wishing me happy birthday, and i went back to school to jam, hahaha..going back to school on the 1st monday after exams to jam, damn garang sia..hahaha, but it's jamming so yar, nothing to complain..Then off to a family dinner celebration at night and went to meet Nash after that to lepak, and back home after that..

A big thank you to those who wished me, no matter in what form, shape or size!! And of course to Victor, the Ma Maison was nice!! Thank You!!
