Monday, November 14, 2011


As mentioned in the posts that i got a snare, it's a 13"x 6.5" Tama Metalworks snare

(Small but Loud!!)

Reponse well to ghost notes, sweet bright sound..Received lots of positive comments from other drummers as well!!

(Abit of wear and tear. But it sounds great!!)

Because of this, i had to give up Wai keat's offer of the AFA day 3 VIP tickets. Not Regreting, because this is just too awesome!!

(Lastly, snare in the bag!!)


Love...Pawa?!, part 2

(Stealth Shot. NOTE: Not my plate.)

They ordered food and shared with me, i just paid for my snare so i'm practically penniless..The overall experience was ok, never been to one before, so don't know what to expect also, hahaha..Some interesting things were like they write messages on the plate and food and they "power up" your food too..hahaha, and the sabo party begins..

When we are about to leave, we saw that there is photographing service with the maids, so..they push me to take a picture with them, and my phone rang, i turned to a side and answer the phone..Bad move..Real bad..they just filled up my name and her's..It's just damn embrassing la, last time don't have the chance, then now..haiz..Jit pai siao liao..Thanks ar, LiAR, -__-; Took a picture, waited for it to process then off to Ranking to get a snare bag, hahaha..Mad rush, we left MMK almost around 6.45 and Ranking closes at 7..Took a cab down and got there in time..hahaha

Just when i thought the sabo-ing ends there..i was wrong..

Went to scape for jamming on Sunday, they never once stop doing the freaking cat paw pose at all, just kept doing and doing, plus the "power up" dance too for the whole 3hours of jamming..I tried my best to turn away but stil..haiz..then Xin You called and asked me to a poster holder tube for him,so we went to get 1 for him at art friend in Taka and went to Suntec to pass him..Upon meeting him, passed him the tube, then Ong told Xin You to go to the AFA shop and get a poster, i thought it's for him, but wrong again..He told him to get a poster of her..for me..WHAT THE SHIT!!!! Then we had dinner at Suntec after that and call it a day..


From not expecting anything to unexpected circumstances..These people really ar..nothing to say..hahaha

They really pay money to my pain..Thanks ar, hahaha



(I tried to rotate the pic but..everytime it goes back to this...)

Had fun this weekend, it's AFA week!! Didn't expect to have fun there actually, since not going to the concerts already..Basically, nothing much to look forward to for this yr's AFA compared to last yr's..Until..MH and MZ went there..


Saturday was a busy day for me..Went there on around 1pm, Wee Kian was there first so i told him to help me and Cheris to get the tickets first. Met up with the 2 of them, then we move to the festival hall, took a walk, saw acouple of interesting things..then soon, Cheris and I got hungry, so we went to have lunch..MH and MZ reached the hall when we're having lunch..Here's the messed up part, I'm supposed to meet the seller of a snare drum at 3.30 at suntec, so i went amd i bought it after giving it a try...Sounds nothing? There was no bag for it..SO, i had to carry it around..Like A Boss. My plan was go AFA, lunch, get the snare, then get the bag and then go back to AFA or something..Apparently, plan foiled when MH and MZ came..When we went back there, and they were queueing at the MMK already..They went AFA with their sis-in-law and her children...

So there i am, standing outside the MMK, with my snare..And Cheris went to get a cute furry hat, hahaha, And Ong showed up, with his Kojuro outfit, hahahaha..i was like " can we don't go in?? or rather, can i don't go in??" MH and MZ was like, " go la, must experience at least once" and ong quickly join in their fraction..then i wanted to ask ong, " if u go, i go in too"..he knew what i was going to ask, i just said "Ong, if u go.." then he replied " I'm confrim going in!!" And in we went..

To be Continued..


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Nothing much going on this week. Still recovering from the screw up during the auditions. Though the band said "it's ok, don't think about it". Maybe I was hoping they would blame me so that I can bury my guilt in their anger? I guess so.

Feeling quite down recently, all hopes were lost in reaching the Waseda girl, the screw up during the auditions, due to that I saw my own limitations as a drummer too. Tried to get some new members to join us which always ended up saying no or just MIA, jammed with 1 of the SCC bands and that didn't go well either. Everything seems going in the opposite direction of where I wana go. Tried talking to a friend but ended up with him asking me to log in to.. Well, that works too. I guess no one takes you seriously when you gives others an impression of a comcial tell others you're feeling down. Or some just choose to ignore what you're sad about and expect you to feel their pain when they are feeling down. I guess it's the Bystander Effect, everyone with the thinking "Aiya, sure got someone else is willing to listen to his whinings" ? Studying ISP does has it's advantages, hahaha.

Another reason is because happenings of a character in a TV series kinda reflected some of the way I do or view things? I know this sounds crazy but yeah..spend sometime reading it. The dude in the show is a very hard-working person, anything he did not understand or know how it works, he make sure that he learn/study until he is good in/at it. He believed that if others do a 100%, he needs to do 120%..but everything he worked hard for, either end up wasted or ended up in a bad way. Friends turned their backs on him for all the wrong reasons, and he lost a leg in an accident. Similiarities? Link it yourself, though I didn't lose any of my limps :s, hahaha..Anyway, it's played by the script so try not to look so into it.

Overheard a conversation between a grandmother and her grandson on the bus on my way home from school, The grandson wanted something badly, i don't know what it is but I'm quite taken back by the reply from his grandma, "Son, the harder you try to hold onto something, in the end all you manage to hold onto, are your fists only." I guess the grandson is too young to understand that, but it just hit me as if she was saying that to me..

Grandma, if you're still alive, what will you say to me?
Send me some guidence, I'm kinda lost.
Lost, not emo. Hahaha~
