Friday, September 23, 2011

RinNNNNNNNaaaaaAAAAAA~~~~ Aftermath?!?!?!

(Looks like I'm holding onto the crash, but I'm NOT!!!)

After 2 days of Scandal = Yoko Yoko on every limbs, salonpas,deep heat rub, voice gone, hahaha..But, it's time for jamming!! And we went jamming on saturday afternoon!! hahaha..Last year, also not so garang sia, didn't go jamming before or after the AFA concert, hahahaha~ But hey, managed to jam a new song that session, power eh?? hahaha.. Ong was like a zombie standing there playing bass, and i pedal the bass drum untill leg cramp sia!! hahahaha, but the mood was damn high, hahaha..I guess Ong and i was greatly affected by the mood during the concert, hahaha..Went Burger King to chill after jamming and Ong was telling the rest how i was screaming for Rina like a little girl, -__-' hahahahaha..Then we talked about some other band stuff too, and i was supposed to meet Johnathan to get the EM3A math book from him and have dinner together at 7pm but we ended up leaving the place at 7, hahaha..But still, i went to meet him, for dinner and for the book..Then i asked him and Lin if they're interested in going to the Waseda Shibuya Senior High School Seiran Fest. Which we went on Sunday!!


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