Saturday, April 7, 2012

J-obsession 2012!!!!!!

Did a gig in March~ J-obsession 2012, it is an event that consisted of 3 days and we played on the last day~~ Finally, performing J-music in a Jap event, hahaha..Made acouple of new friends and fans, hahahaha~~~ It was a very fun and good learning experience. And we have much to learn~ Keep pushing ourselves to a higher level.

Of course, there's ups and downs..We were scheduled to perform on sunday 4.30pm, which is the 1st slot of the day. Then the organisers were asking if we could switch to saturday instead. With one of us working, we were not able to make the switch and we remained on sunday, same slot..That's when some steep learning curve surfaced.

We jammed every week as usual, then i received an email from the organisers that we have 2 songs in our setlist clash with another band one week before the performance, and they proposed that which band play 1 of the songs and come up with another song to replace the one that were not played. Given the amount of time we were notified, i replied that we might not be able to come up with a replacement song, and the organisers replied with they have to remove us if we were playing 3 songs only. Each band was given a 30 min timeslot, which definitely can't tank with 3 songs only. So everyone was feeling down and stuff, mainly the reason because the other band was supposed to play on saturday then they switched to sunday. Thinking of all the possiblities i could come up, i don't see a clean solution. On the verge of giving up, i came across the videos of the BBQ 2yrs back, with the acoustic setlist, and suggested to the rest to play an acoustic song for the replacement song. Which they agreed and Luke arranged it to be a full band song over the week. To be honest, he really surpised me with his rendition, hahaha..Well, as for the drums, he just told me to come up with something simple, basket, hahaha..Then we practiced it for 2 hours, acouple of hours before the actual performance!! We managed to pull it off!! and got the most praises for that song from friends, audiences and even the other performers!!

Went down the stage happily though there were acouple of flaws, we're still happy that we can get up on stage, given the circumstances for that past week. Then the other band went on stage. They were engertic, enjoying their time to the max, then till the last song, the bassist told the band to play the song that we played. And they "apologised" to us on stage, and played it..The agreement we, that band and the organiser had was each of us played 1 of the clash song, yet they played all of them, that's outright disrespect, it's freaking bullshit, dude..Given that they know almost everyone there, it's pointless to agrue, so gotta swallow pride.

Well, all in all, I won't say it's a bad experience but a good learning experience. I'm gald that there's audiences and performers that liked our performance despite all the screw-ups and stuff, hahaha..And heard from some of them, we halted the most by-standers in their steps to listen while walking past the stage compared to other bands, hahaha..I think it's because we have a wonderful vocals on our side~~ hahahaa Not gona get carried away, now we're getting back in the studio, keep practicing, keep improving and keep bringing the audiences more wonderful songs that touched our hearts to touch their's, hahaha

A big Thank You goes out to all our friends and family went to support us!!! It really meant alot to us. *90 degree bow* We'll get better and better!!!

Here's the video of the performance that day~~

DC, Drummer@LiAR

Monday, February 20, 2012

Away for awhile!?!?!

As the title mentioned, AND MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!! partly is because the posts are kinda routine, hahaha..School, jamming and partly because everything crams in the second half of the semester, projects, huge weightage tests and stuff. Especially the week after Chinese New Year, rushing for a project with a 10% quiz and a practical test on the same week, HoOoOoOoO~~!!!!! Hao Wei and I lost a screw in head when we were rushing for the damn project, he was like singing all the way and i keep "speed-pressing" the button to on/off the LED to have a flickering on/off, hahahaha..And the only salvation is the arrival of my FINAL FANTASY XIII-2!!!!

Managed to play awhile but not for long because there's 3 lab tests on the following week then comes the final exams and concluding my 2nd year. So everything is like the upcoming Metal Gear's motto "Lightning Bolt Action", and the good thing is everything ended up well, hahaha, so nothing much to complain!!!

Since now is the holidays, it's FINAL FANTASY TIME!!!! and of course getting back with the band, playing some new songs and having a gig soon, i guess?? hahaha..Anyway, in short, IT'S TIME TO LEPAK SIOLLLLLLLLL!!!

On a side note, time really flies..Just felt like i started schooling afew weeks ago only, just afew months after ORD, hahaha..or did I time-traveled?!?! hahahah

DC, Time traveler?!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Abit late for that though, hahaha..Been busy going in and out of the studio for the performance on the 31st!! And with a blink of an eye, school reopens tommorrow.

Spent Christmas jamming then went to bugis to do some shopping, hahaha..Went bugis junction then to bugis street, and woah, bugis street has changed alot since i last went. So many new shops and seems like they connected all the shophouse bulidings together, and there's a 3rd level already, hahaha..And we came across a shop with a name of interest, hahahaha

"Like a boss"

Jamming continues after Christmas, practice and practice, hahaha..other then jamming is basically relac at home, enjoying my Assassin's Creed and hanged out with acouple of friends..Then to the 31st, the last day of the year!!

"THE Stage"

Gathered at the CC at 3.45pm for a final briefing and rehearsal, which the briefing did not take place, hahaha..Did a sound check then off to the studio again for a final practice, hahaha, so hardworking siollllll!!! hahahaha..Went back the CC after dinner, joined in the "opening" of the event, went to check out the games, then went back to the holding room and wait for our turn, which is 11plus, the last band to perform..Lots of funny thing happened on stage, hahaha..Went to pack up in the holding room and we missed the countdown, hahahaha..And we went seperate ways home.

" Broke in the middle of one song. T_T"

That concludes my year of 2011!!!
