Monday, March 28, 2011

Just for laughs?!

A: I'm drawing this picture cause i'm feeling down..

B: Why are you feeling down?? What happpened?

A: Look at the picture when i'm done and tell me what do you think.

B: *looks at the picture* Why did you use these colours?? it's hurting my eyes.

Hahahha, did this kind of scenerio happened to you before??

Note: i got this from Dayo Wong's stand up comedy shows.


Downward Spiral, When do I begin??

Quoted from Papa Roach's Last Resort.

Things has not been going smoothly recently..but i guess life is full of ups and downs so maybe now is the down period..the event i was looking forward to got cancel or i should say the segment i was looking forward to got was like a milestone for me, i has more or less affected the band too, it hit me more because i have a personal reason for looking forward to the event, yar, i do..The band is kinda doing fine, just that we gotta change some new members, 1 flying off soon, 1 got flew away by us..Of course, i don't feel good about it, you will understand if you know me well and yet another close friend is leaving to aussie to study, i'm losing my friends to aussie bit by bit..basket, hahaaha..Looking at Ryo-chan's situation pains me, i know i can't do anything to ease his pains and sorrow too..All i can do is stand by him..

Went to play pool with the band on Saturday, went to the one at usual, the place is filled with distractions..hahaha, for me, there were 2 distractions only..hahahaha, 1 was a May'n look alike and another 1...hahaha, Meng Hui caught me looking at the another 1..hahaha, she's got a ponytail, hahaha..Went to HMV after pool, wanted to ask if they got May'n posters for sell or something..yar, i'm a May'n fan, you've got a problem?? hahaha then we went off the 313 for dinner and headed home..that concludes saturday..

Jamming on sunday as usual..went to zam zam for lunch, apparently, the food was super spicy, hahaha..spent almost 1/2 a day in studio and acouple of hours at the singtel shop..then back home for dinner and of course, my Shibuhara Girls..Hehehe

Well, at least not everything was dark and gloomy for the week, but still, it's not extactly positive too..


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tight Schedule!!

A packed weekend for this week, hahaha..Been running around the country, for work, for the band and for myself..Tiring but worthwhile, so there's nothing to complain's been awhile, i woke up 7 plus in the morning on a Sunday as well, hahaha..What for?? it's a secret, H. I. M. I. T. S. U. des~~ hahahaha..I was practically out on the whole saturday, morning went jamming, lunch, then to expo to get some stuff for our secret project..Then went off to Tampines to meet Victor..It's been awhile since i last saw him, dinner then went to hang out for awhile and went home after that..After jamming, then i realised it's Saturday, and i've missed my Shibuhara Girls..Damn, hahaha..

As mention earlier, went out early on sunday..And i basically misread Sean's sms and brought my plushie out too, -__-; hahahaha..And of course, i put it in my bag, not hugging her like a daughter in case some people got any cute ideas on it..Although we didn't do much, it was super tiring..hahaha, basically, one of the lines in Eminem's Lose Yourself described us: Plams are sweaty, Knees weak, Arms are Heavy..

All set~~


I found her wearing the cap when i got home from work, my mom just put it on her head when my cap fell off the hook and i just took this pic..hahaha


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Natural Disasters..

When the day the tsunami hit my bank, the real one hit Japan..A 9.0 magnitude earthqauke hit Japan triggering a tsunami, the strongest earthquake Japan has experienced..and there's a possible partial nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant..This disaster has taken the life of my friend's grandmother..

A minute of silence for the victims of the recent disasters.
Requiescat in Pace.


Monday, March 14, 2011


Went to celebrate Cheris' birthday on sunday, though her birthday was on the 10th..hahaha, met the band at Plaza Singapura and went to watch "I AM NUMBER FOUR" quite a nice show, but not something that "woah" me..and we went to Ajisen at the Tokyo Walker...again..hahaha, i guess it's a woman's instinct to walk into Ajisen?? ahahaha, the first time was the plus one incident, second time was my mom and the third is Meng Hui, hahaha..Both my mom and Meng Hui just walked into Ajisen without looking..hahahhaa, anyone supports my theory?? hahahaha...Well, i kinda snapped after "a boy who didnt grew up insist to go his way" trying his stunts again..Not gona say anymore about that..

Bottomline, I chose Friendship over Practicalness..Do Not Make Me Regret My Decision..

After he left, we went around town area to look at some stuffs, i kinda feel better already..I guess stick with the band is always a cheer up thing for me..hahaha

Actually, I was feeling uncertain for the past couple of weeks, Have you ever had the feeling of you wanting something so bad but once it's in front of you, you stop and think?? Yar, that's kinda the thing going through my mind..Afraid of what you think it is but it turns out to be extactly not what you think it is?? Exploring new things??possiblilies?? If you're close enough, you know what's going on la..It's my weakness, i guess..friendship over practicalness, this uncertain shit..but hey, everyone got their's..
So, what's your's??

Speaking of exploring, i did something i didn't think that i will do it, hahahha...


Busy Week?!


For the past few weeks, I've been wondering where the heck is my enrolment package..Checked out the school's website and it says end of Feb, then the website updated to early March..I cant't stand to wait so i just went to call the school on monday and they said by end of this week..FINALLY, I received a call from school on wednesday to collect my enrolment package..Took an half day off, and went to school..Kinda almost freaked out when I was standing in front of the school..Went to the admin buliding and the first thing I saw is a girl filping right in front of me sia..kana stunned sia, it was the cheerleading team, i guess..hahaha, went up, get the package, check the contents and left the school..

Went back to school on Friday again to get my laptop, after comparing the specs and price for the laptops in school and in IT show..And turn out that school's price and specs are better, so yar..And finally got my first laptop in my life..hahaha, but need to sort out a no. of things before everything is fully operational..

UVERworld's Quaila come to my mind when the package was handed to me by the staff in school..If you know what's going on with me, then i guess you'll know why this song is up..hahahaha


Monday, March 7, 2011

An Unproductive Week!?!?!...Almost!!!


I was down with dirrahea and fever on friday..My boss went home early and said " eh, if u're not well also, then leave early as well.." We went to eat at some wulu place and DOWN we go, basket..Stayed home the whole day, with jelly legs..Still managed to catch my Shibuhara Girls.

Almost didn't jam due to the dirrahea..But i've gotten better on sunday, not fully recovered but well enough to jam, then basically, i just went to call the guys and wake them up to jam again..They planned to cancel it since i couldn't make it..So we jammed..then we went to the
Comifest, it was the smallest event i've seen..


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


From left : Takuya, Katsuya, Nobuto, Shintaro and Akira

30th post!!!

This is the band that turned me into a J-rock junkie, hahaha..They were first formed in 2003, known as Sangoku Raod in the indie music scene..They orginally consist of 7 members until the saxophonist and another pseron left, then they changed renamed themselves to UVERworld..I got the pleasure to get to listen to their indie album Prime'03 as a friend went to japan for a tour and managed to hear them live in a live house and he went to get the CD, and that;s how i get to know Sangoku Road, then in 2005, UVERworld's 1st single "D-tecnolife" was used in the Bleach anime, and it has striking similiarities as Sangoku Road's "D-tecnoRIZE" i went google abit and realised that they are the same, hahaha and i never stopped listening to them ever since!!!


TAKUYA∞ (Vocalist, song writting and programming)

Katsuya (Guitar, Leader)

Akira (Guitar)

Nobuto (Bass)

Shintaro (Drums)

Basically, i will recommend all their singles!! They're awesome!! but for starters



just Melody

UVERchan, their mascot!!!

DC, UVERfan.